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Worship is the heart of our life together. It is shaped by the ancient pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending, with leadership and participation from all ages. 


Our worship space is warm, down to earth and flexible. Our community of faith is too. Music and liturgy are both old and new, changing with the seasons of the church year -- Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. 

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We love having children in worship and we also know that sometimes little ones have a hard time sitting through the whole service.

Our Nursery is open during the 2nd half of Joyful Noise worship. Anytime children are in worship we have crayons, clipboards and activity sheets available as you come in.  We also have a special time with kids in worship in every service

Holy Communion Every Sunday


At Amazing Grace, ALL are welcome at Christ’s Table - members, friends, visitors, children - everyone! 


We believe it is the Lord’s Table and He invites everyone who wishes to receive, to come and share in this gift of forgiveness and new life.  We offer grape juice and gluten-free wafers, in addition to wine and bread at each communion service. 


Worship Involvement


Liturgy literally means “the work of the people.” Worship is a communal activity and we need lots of help to make it happen!

Here are some ways to participate, serve and lead: 

  • Reading scripture 

  • Usher / Greeter/ Communion Assistant

  • Baking Communion Bread

  • Altar Preparation (“Setting the Table”) 

  • PowerPoint and Live-stream

If you wish to give a gift of service to your sisters and brothers, look for a sign up sheet at the entry to the sanctuary or contact Kari in the church office at



Music is a big part of our life of faith at Amazing Grace.

Our worship music is sung alongside piano, organ, and acoustic guitars played by talented people of our community.

Our talented congregation loves offering special music some weeks.

We have an "all-comers" choir that means once a month to offer special music during our Sunday worship. 

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