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Advent & Christmas

Advent is all about looking for the signs of God’s coming. HOPE is a discipline, a practice, that can help us on that journey. On Sunday, I suggested we can use the letters of the word HOPE as a guide:


H is for Hear

Listen to others and for God’s voice. Take time to be quiet. Read a devotion or scripture. Faithful listening allows God to be our guide.


O is for Observe

Look for Christ’s presence in others, rather than being quick to judge or make assumptions. Pick a symbol, image or a color - like pink clouds or advent blue or a candle, etc… - so that whenever you see it you will be reminded of God’s presence.


P is for Pause

Pause and be present. In this season of busy-ness, it can be hard to do. At a stop light, before you get out of bed, when you are on a walk, at the table, pause and acknowledge God is with you. Reflect at the end of the day “Where did I recognize God’s presence today?”


E is for Expect

Expect that God is at work, in unlikely people and places, in the brokenness and the joy of the world – and through you.

Here are a few of the opportunities and resources we’re providing to help you with this practice:


* Pick up on of our Alaska Synod devotionals “A Future with Hope” at the church. Available in our entry OR download here 


* A Faith Practices calendar is available for families with simple ideas for growing in faith this season. Here’s a link to print at home .


* Men gather for Bible study every Thursday at 6:00 am on Thursday at the IHOP on Tudor and Denali. (Yes… its early! AND this is a wonderful group of men to gather with and get to know…)


* At noon on Fridays this month, we’ll share in Lectio Divina, a slow reading and reflecting on scripture. No experience necessary! It’s not a class so you can come for any one or all. Come and check it out and see if this is a practice that may work for you. 

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