Amazing Grace
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Living Generously in God's Amazing Grace!
Welcoming Everyone ~ Growing in Faith ~Reaching out to Serve
VBS 2024
June 3 - 7, 2024 9 am - 12 pm
Created to Be VBS
Theme verse:
"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well!"
~Psalm 139:14~
We explore this theme throughout our 5 days together.
Campers will be in small groups based on the grade they just finished from
3-year old preschool - 6th grade.
Small groups rotate through different stations during the morning as we explore how each of us are Created to Be:

With our talented music leaders, campers will learn songs connecting to the day's theme.

Specific age-appropriate crafts will be made each day and brought home.
Leaders help campers take the Bible verse from "back then" to "now in my life" helping the daily themes stick with campers.

Campers get outside each day for group building games learning to work together.

Delicious, nutritious snacks are provided each day. While eating, leaders model asking questions & listening about the group's day.
Volunteering to Help
Our VBS is only a success because of the amazing work of our volunteer youth & adults!
*If you would like to help (EVEN JUST 1 DAY) please check here and Sister Amanda will be in contact with you.